Clientbook Blog
September 16, 2024

15 AI prompts jewelers need to try

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs provide fast and highly functional solutions to many of the business, marketing, and customer interaction efforts for jewelers and retailers in this competitive industry. Leveraging the power of generative or predictive AI can transform how your store operates. In order to maximize benefits, however, you need to know how to craft prompts that get results that actually give you what you need.

Many AI programs work behind the scenes doing things like analyzing data or finding common elements in consumer habits or marketing responses. Others allow more direct interaction through prompting. To put it simply, you type in a question or request, and the AI provides an answer. Different types of prompts exist, and jewelers can use any of them to improve operations. 

15 examples of prompts in five categories

While you can use these samples with any generative AI program, it does help to optimize them specifically for your store. You would use slightly different language for a brick-and-mortar boutique than you would for a larger ecommerce site, for example. Be as specific as possible to get the best results for your brand.

Business operations: Writing prompts for inventory, integration, and more

Streamline ways you do business by giving the AI program specific information about operations and asking it to suggest improvements. Since these require you to input a lot of data, it makes sense to use an integrated program like Clientbook that can handle data collection and AI smart recommendations all on one platform. 


1 – Create a step-by-step guide for streamlining inventory management that includes priority actions based on high-value or quick-sale items.

2 – Suggest several options to make our supply chain more efficient. (This would require you giving the AI program specific information about your supply chain.)

3 – What key performance indicators (KPIs) should we track to improve efficiency during seasonal sales periods?

Communication: ChatGPT prompts for personalized email or text messages

Use AI to glean information from incoming communications from your jewelry brand customers, and then use these writing prompts to perfect outgoing messages. Remember that a primary focus of all brand contact should be personalization. Avoid simply copy-pasting the AI results into your email or SMS messages. Unless you use one with access to your entire business operations and databases, they will need edits to make them fit perfectly.


4 – Write a personalized thank-you email for a customer who bought an engagement ring. Include jewelry care tips and information about wedding sets from our inventory.

5 – Create three text messages to notify customers of an upcoming sale based on the following segments: potential buyers, repeat buyers, and long-time brand fans.

6 – Give me a list of creative ideas for SMS messages inviting valued customers to the upcoming holiday store event. Mention our new ruby necklace and ring set specifically.

Marketing: AI-generated content for online marketing

While communication has a lot to do with the type of personalized marketing efforts a quality jeweler needs, AI can also help with other forms like social media posts, blogging, ad copy, and more. Remember specificity matters and always align your marketing content with your brand identity and values. 


7 – My jewelry has a new product line (describe it). Write 10 engaging social media posts for Instagram announcing their arrival and a limited time sale. Include popular hashtags in the fine jewelry categories.

8 – Draft a blog post explaining how to care for sterling silver jewelry with gemstones. Keep the tone friendly yet with a flair of authority. Mention our jewelry cleaning services at the end with a friendly call to action.

9 – Craft three detailed product descriptions for a high-end diamond bracelet. (Give specific details or upload a picture to the AI program). Pay close attention to details like clarity and brilliance.

Loyalty: Effective prompts for building customer loyalty 

Following up with customers who have purchased jewelry from you before is one of the most powerful ways to boost business. People who buy high-end products need that special, personal touch. AI can help.


10 – Suggest three options for loyalty gifts from my inventory that would entice customers in this segment (give access or describe) to purchase more items in the next three months.

11 – Write content describing our new loyalty program with suggestions for three tiers based on purchase history numbers. Include sample messages we can send to customers to announce the program and tell them what tier they currently fall into.

12 – Generate a phone call script for handling post-purchase follow-up to thank the customer for a recent purchase. Include an invitation to a special offer, community event, or other perk. Also suggest perks that this type of customer may value.

Strategy: Prompt ideas for seasonal or special offer brainstorming

It's tough to constantly come up with unique ideas to run your business and market it effectively. The last thing a jeweler wants to do is end up looking or feeling like every other brand. Use these types of AI prompts directly or to spark new ideas. It's a great brainstorming partner.


13 – Valentine's Day is coming up. Suggest five unique promotional ideas that are not used by our competitors. Focus on the romance collection of products from our new line.

14 – Based on inventory levels and past sales, create three jewelry gift boxes we can use for a discount promotion. Include one high-interest item with two matching products that we have excess inventory for.

15 – Create a five-year brand growth plan with big picture ideas for expansion specifically in the online jewelry marketplace. Make this specific to my brand and use past sales records to project realistic results.


Remember that general AI programs can provide general suggestions and craft quality content with ease but needs more input from you for brand specific results. The last thing you want for emails, blog posts, or text messages to important customers is a generic approach. Better still, opt for a specialized program that integrates with your business directly.

While programs like ChatGPT offer many options, jewelers who want a more streamlined, business-oriented solution should consider Clientbook’s AI Insights. Combine the power of collected data with an efficient engine to get content, communication, and integrations that let you upgrade your jewelry business. Book a demo to get a free inside look.

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