Clientbook Blog
May 28, 2024

What is SMS marketing?

In the world of retail, businesses are constantly seeking out new ways to stay in touch with their customers. Classics like email and direct mail still work, and newer methods like chat bots have become more popular, but what works best falls more in the middle: SMS messages, or texting

With 91% of consumers choosing texts as their preferred contact method, why would any brand skip SMS text message marketing?

In this article, we’ll cover how retailers can effectively use SMS messaging to boost sales, provide exceptional customer service, and give the type of special attention to your target audience that transforms your brand into a household name.

What is SMS?

Anyone who owns a mobile phone knows about sending texts to other people. And that’s what SMS messaging is all about. SMS stands for “short message service.” It’s shorthand for the exchange of instant text messages. 

Now that phones have surpassed computers as the device of choice for online shopping, it makes sense that retailers choose this quick and effective way to empower mobile communication with customers.

Why should I be texting my customers?

In a world with ever-increasing competition in every product niche, retail companies need a way to reach mobile users efficiently and effectively. A well-designed SMS message offers great results because it makes it possible to have direct and personalized business communication with the people most likely to buy from you. 

This boosts customer engagement in a big way. If you aren’t using text messages to interact with customers yet, you’re missing out on huge potential that can transform simple interactions into lasting impressions to build your brand reputation.

Let’s go over a few of the benefits texting offers retailers.

It’s effective

Statistically speaking, text messages get opened more than any other type of message. According to a 2023 study, the SMS open rate hovers around 98% with a 45% response rate. 

What’s more, the monetary ROI for sending these messages has similarly impressive results. While it’s more popular in developed countries, global access to smartphone technology makes texts popular everywhere. 

It’s diverse

After a customer opts into your SMS messaging list, the types of texts you can send are practically endless. Whether you want to send promotional messages to your entire customer base, a targeted message to a certain segment of your audience, or a one-on-one message to a single client, you’ve got options.

Some common types of messages include product updates, transaction alerts, promotional offers, sales announcements, discount codes, digital event notifications, feedback survey links, and information specific to their orders, payments, or shipping. They all contribute to overall customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

It’s personal

Texts offer more personalization options when it comes to forging a genuine relationship with customers. This goes far beyond automatically inputting their name at the start or sending messages to specific segments. SMS marketing lets you have one-on-one chats that provide the highest level of customer care and attention. For retailers, this ability can easily transform a one-time buyer into a lifelong brand fan.

How do I send an SMS message?

If you’re considering using a messaging app or text messaging service for your store’s marketing purposes, you’ll want to know a little about how SMS messaging works.

Getting started with instant messaging involves three basic steps:

  1. Tell your customers: Advertise SMS as an option for customers to stay in touch and keep up to date with product offers, sales, and customer service
  2. Collect contact information: Get the name and number of the customers you want to text through a simple form, whether in-person or online 
  3. Choose an SMS platform: Use a high-quality SMS platform like Clientbook to start sending out smart, segmented contacts

SMS marketing campaign best practices

While the success of your campaign will depend on your niche and target audience, here are some general tips to help you strategize:

  • Only send messages to people who opt in and give clear consent to receiving them.
  • Practice smart audience segmentation so people get messages that they are most interested in.
  • Personalized messages with the recipient’s name and include specific details about their interests or position in the buying process.
  • Keep it simple. Shoppers are more likely to respond to short messages that get to the point right away.
  • Always offer something valuable like a discount code, exclusive offer, or useful information.
  • Track data and analyze it to make sure all future SMS marketing efforts are fully optimized for best results. A/B testing can help.
  • If you want more sign-ups, consider offering an incentive such as a special discount or free item. Another option is to offer information, education, or entertainment only to SMS subscribers. 
  • Consider an exclusive member’s club idea; making people feel special helps endear them to your brand. Always make the opt-in process simple and secure for the best results.

Why choose Clientbook for SMS marketing help

SMS marketing and customer service can replace cumbersome and less convenient forms of communication, saving you and your sales associates time and money. Clientbook is a retail CRM and software application with a host of messaging capabilities and chat features, allowing you to take your client interactions to a new level.

Send a quick birthday or holiday message, market special sales to hungry audiences, or remind buyers to leave a review. You can do all this and more with eye-catching, personalized messages with exceptionally high open rates. Book a demo to check out the individual and mass messaging options today.

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