Clientbook Blog
August 15, 2024

Do these seven things for a successful jewelry trunk show

When you have the opportunity to showcase your range of products at an upcoming trunk show, you don’t want to miss all the options that can boost your brand. A jewelry trunk show is a special event for designers or retailers to showcase their unique pieces or entire collections to eager customers. They are often held at retail locations like jewelry stores and boutiques, but may also be part of larger or private venues. Some even occur online these days.

If you want to wow your target audience at these exclusive events, you need to know what works and what doesn’t before you begin to plan. If you follow these seven things to do for a successful jewelry trunk show, you will get positive feedback from customers, make sales, and improve your overall brand standing in the industry.

1 – Promote early and often with effective trunk show announcements and more

If no one knows about your presence at an upcoming trunk show, you will not get the benefits of foot traffic or online buzz. The show itself will undoubtedly market extensively. However, that doesn’t benefit you specifically, and you need to build more direct enthusiasm for your own brand. Start with your existing customer base. Then extend your efforts to the greater jewelry-buying public.

Jewelry brand owners who already use sales assistant software like Clientbook have the power to engage current customers easily when it comes to marketing the trunk show. All the power you have in your list can encourage people to show up and visit your accessory trunk, table, or booth during the event. This not only gives them access to limited time deals or sneak peaks at an upcoming collection, it also boosts the apparent popularity and status of your brand overall.

2 – Select the hottest collections to make the biggest impact at a jewelry trunk show

This helps you make a significant impact at the accessory trunk show. Curate a selection of your most sought-after pieces including those currently trending, newly released, or highly unique. Highlight pieces or styles that have received attention from fashion influencers and industry experts. These will naturally elicit a lot of excitement. 

Above all else, consider the preferences of your target audience and the type of shoppers who will attend the specific trunk show. Some are themed around aesthetics, seasons, or special events, which may make holiday collections or engagement rings a better choice.

3 – Organize your trunk show calendar with special things for customers to experience

The typical trunk show lasts between one and three days. Although this seems like a very short amount of time to schedule special mini-events or presentations, this type of thing really helps to drive engagement. Carefully plan things like gemstone education talks or special collection modeling throughout the day. It will help create a buzz because your customer won’t want to miss something extra. 

But don’t overschedule—or you won’t have time for the all-important personalized visitor attention. Work around any itinerary items that the show organizers themselves create. You don’t want to miss these as they can introduce your jewelry selections to new audiences.

4 – Use eye-catching displays, signage, screens, and more on trunk show day

Never allow signs and screens to overpower the beauty and sparkle of the jewelry on display. However, remember that a show attendee cannot spot a ring from 30 feet away. Branded printed material, signs, and other display elements are essential tools to guide shoppers toward your business. If you have the ability to plug in, digital screens are a huge plus. The dynamic element allows you to display high resolution images or videos of the jewelry being worn, which helps buyers envision the pieces on their own wrist, finger, or ear.

5 – The shop owner should engage with customers through demonstrations and stories

This is all part of expanding your brand story and sharing it with your target audience. The owner may not attend a jewelry trunk show, but the representative must know enough to get attention from passersby with information about the brand and not just pretty products. A high-end jewelry trunk show is not a flea market. It’s not all about selling items and making a profit. This is an opportunity to highlight who your brand is, what you stand for, and more.

While most interactions with people at a trunk show are quite short, you do have the opportunity to inject something that sparks their interest and keeps them at your display longer. 

Some of these can include the following:

  • Gemstone education sessions for quality, origins, or symbolic meanings
  • Behind-the-scenes stories of the jewelry making process
  • Information or even a meet and greet of the product designer
  • Mini styling workshops personalized for individual’s appearance, coloration, and fashion
  • Presentation of the brand history with origins, evolution, and achievements
  • Information about sustainable practices if applicable

6 – Offer trunk show exclusive specials, discounts, or high-end product bundles

All special offers and discounts available only at the jewelry trunk show should feature prominently in your marketing material. These things will get people through the door and heading toward your display. Even though shoppers that are interested in luxury goods are willing to pay more, everyone loves a great value. The exclusivity and limited time offers create a sense of urgency and excitement that can lead to more sales and attention on your brand.

Besides simply making sought after necklaces, pins, and rings cost less than usual, high end product bundles also garner this type of attention. Create curated sets and product bundles that combine complementary pieces like a matching necklace and bracelet all for a special price. This adds value through financial savings and convenience without detracting from the sheer style and beauty of the pieces your brand displays.

7 – Collect a list of customers and use Clientbook to empower your ongoing engagement

All your efforts during a jewelry trunk show won’t boost your brand effectively on their own if you don’t follow up afterward. Have a tablet with a sign-up form on hand or a scannable QR code prominently displayed so that people you impress can opt in for more information. This is what can make each event a powerful tool for ongoing success and growth. New to Clientbook? Book a demo today to see how it can enhance your next trunk show.

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