Clientbook Blog
October 7, 2024

Seven tips to improve your customer communication

Strong customer relationships depend on communication that not only addresses their needs and wants, but also matches their emotional energy. It’s the key to building lasting relationships that lead to long-term sales and ensuring customer satisfaction. 

What customers want evolves all the time, and their expectations get more precise. But what never changes is their desire for quality customer service and communication. In fact, a Salesforce survey found that 88% of surveyed consumers put quality customer service at the top of their list of reasons why they buy from a brand again.

Especially in today's world of automation, personalized experiences boost the value of interactions considerably. If customers can’t immediately talk to real people, they expect a high-quality alternative through their preferred communication channel. 

These tips go beyond the basics. They’ll help you present consistent messages that enhance the power of your brand.

1 – Personalized communication is key to engagement

Both existing and potential customers want direct messages that speak to them based on their interests, preferences, and desires. Personalization drives success in client communication these days. You need to use all possible data points to create a better customer experience. The more relevant you make each message, the fewer potential issues you will run into, and the higher customer trust will go.

Personalized answers to their questions on social media, email marketing messages with product recommendations, and even your sales team's in-store interactions improve client relations. When you take the time to tell your messages, people will believe that you care about them as an individual. They are more likely to become a fan of your brand and recommend you to others.

2 – Focus on the preferred channel, but don’t neglect the omnichannel experience

The online world offers a wealth of customer communication strategies, but most individuals have a preferred platform or method. While you can’t efficiently cater to everyone's needs, the data you collect about customer engagement can help you streamline the process. 

Some people prefer phone calls. Others seek out information on popular social media channels. Still others would prefer quick texts on messaging apps.

While specificity helps with communication, omnichannel support and engagement is necessary. Present seamless and brand-identified communication across all digital channels and in every other piece of correspondence you use.

3 – Use clear, simple, and positive language

Transparency and clarity help your entire customer base understand what they need to know about your products, processes, and the brand itself. Even if you cater to a generally more educated clientele, it makes sense to keep things straightforward with a minimum of "fancy language" that supports the overall feel of your brand instead of getting in the way of understanding.

Clear communication with customers reduces the risk of misunderstandings and frustration about things like complicated return policies or the rules for a loyalty program for special offers. Of course, you should avoid negativity if you want to make the best impression.

4 – Provide proactive and reactive help and support

The more data you have about customer interactions and interests, the easier it is to offer proactive help for their most likely issues and concerns. This traditionally takes the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages and help files. These days, AI-powered chat feature options and interactive mobile apps make a lot of sense. The more people can help themselves, the more they’ll enjoy a seamless customer experience.

Of course, reactive strategies are just as important. Some people prefer not to interact with automated systems at all. They expect active listening from real people who can solve their problems quickly. Make it easy for customers to get the help they need in the format they want within a reasonable amount of time.

5 – Incorporate visual communication for clarity

Both online platforms and in-store displays use graphics or videos as strong customer communication tools. Things like simple infographics, charts, and diagrams can make it much easier to understand everything from product availability to the process of requesting a return and refund. 

For example, in-store technology, like virtual reality apps where people can try on an item of clothing, can provide more information than a salesclerk can describe while standing next to a rack of new designs. A short instructional video about how to style a living room with a new leather chair works the same way.

But don’t overwhelm people with flashy graphics or artistic presentations. Keep everything well-branded and as simple as possible to get the necessary information across. The visual communication must reduce complexity, not add it for style's sake.

6 – Focus on reasonable post-sale follow-up service

A single sale is never the end goal of a customer interaction. Business growth depends on post-sale service performed in a way that creates brand loyalty and enthusiasm for future purchases. This makes communication afterward almost more important than the initial contacts. Don't shift your focus to acquiring new customers. Instead, spend time and energy nurturing the existing ones.

Effective communication for following up often includes email marketing or SMS messaging with information about the past purchase and upcoming specials of interest. Do not spam them with unending advertisements. Instead offer information that increases the value of your business.

7 – Always seek customer feedback to improve communication

These suggestions can help you perfect your customer communication methods. However, you never really know what will work perfectly if you don't gather as much information as possible. Automated data collection and analysis tools help in a huge way, especially when paired with smart AI assistance. 

However, getting feedback directly from the people who interact with your brand can help even more. Set up feedback forms or simply ask questions about whether they were satisfied with the interaction. Always give them options for different types of contact, so you can learn their preferences and perfect your efforts in the future.


All these tips work across multiple communication channels. The preference for SMS text messaging is one of the most powerful options, however. Clientbook's integrated texting options can greatly enhance your overall communication strategy. This is just one of the features that make this customer relationship management platform an essential tool in your brand-building process. Book a demo today to see it in action.

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