Clientbook Blog
July 31, 2024

Why detailed product information is the key to closing jewelry sales

Quality jewelry sales depend on more than impulse purchases because a customer likes the look of a particular piece. While this still comes into play, discerning shoppers need more to make a final decision, especially on high-value accessories. Each purchasing decision relies on complete and detailed product information. 

In a recent retailer study on product content, 83% of respondents revealed that they would abandon a brand website if they couldn’t find enough product information. That’s a lot of lost business and a serious potential blow to your brand’s reputation.

In order to provide what customers are looking for when shopping for jewelry, you need to understand what it is and how to manage all the specifics throughout the buying process and customer relationship. Technology has made it easier than ever before to create and use product information in everything from a simple sale to a long-term content marketing strategy.

When you provide potential customers with the most effective product descriptions, you enhance their overall shopping experience, impress them with your knowledge, build that all-important trust, which leads to long-term customer loyalty. It’s an impressive outcome for something that seems simple. Unfortunately, many brands fail to develop an effective and efficient product content strategy. This guide will help.

What product information do you need?

Figure out what your target audience expects and then give it to them. For people interested in fine jewelry, each individual product needs in-depth, accurate, and obvious information that helps them make their purchasing decisions. Your sales teams should have all of this on hand to quickly reveal to shoppers in your brick-and-mortar shops. Of course, it should also appear on your ecommerce website, too.

Product attributes

These are the basics of every jewelry piece. It includes what materials it is made of, the size, quality, and weight, color and shape of the gemstone, designer and brand, pricing, and availability details. Add everything so customers know exactly what they’ll receive when they pick out a new necklace or pair of earrings. A full 35% of shoppers returned a product they bought because the product description content made them expect more than they received.

Product features

For jewelry, features are not as important as for other products like tech devices. However, they can still offer valuable insights that help customers decide to buy. This includes the descriptive content creation like use cases, aesthetics, performance, safety features like hypoallergenic metals or special security clasps. Also include warranty information and similar details. 

Product images

Use multiple clear, close-up, and detailed photos taken from every possible angle. Use animated or video content, too. A 360-degree view of a ring or brooch can encourage sales. A full 40% of study participants expected this in modern product displays. Do not alter the images or use filters to increase the shine or other attractive attributes. Customer satisfaction and positive reviews depend largely on buyers getting exactly what they expected while shopping. 

Product experience

Get creative. Use your brand story to describe what experience the customer will get if they buy and wear a specific piece of jewelry. It helps to know what your shoppers want: elegance, trendsetting, heirloom quality, or the allure of looking wealthy. Tailor the customer experience details in your product content creation to make the biggest impact. Of course, this will not be the same for everyone. By collecting data about interests and weighing demographic and psychographic information from past and present customers, you should be able to create experiential content more easily.

The right product content management strategy boosts the customer experience

Product descriptions are not only for labels, signs, and ecommerce pages. These things also contribute to your overall content marketing campaigns and communication strategies. Yes, accurate product content manages expectations and makes each ring, necklace, and bracelet seem more attractive to the right buyers. However, it also creates an opportunity for the brand to foster increased engagement across the board. The personalized, customer-centric approach to sharing product-specific content drives satisfaction, repeat business, and word-of-mouth advertising.

The many facets of product description rich content marketing

Go beyond individual product listings to leverage the details to boost customer engagement and sales:

  • Educational blog posts can teach customers about different gemstones, metals, designers, and even jewelry-making techniques.
  • Fashion-focused social media reels or online videos can suggest matching jewelry for different styles, colors, or situations emphasizing product features
  • Encourage user-created content based on specific product attributes: ‘Share your sapphire jewelry photos!’ or ‘Tell us about your sentimental pieces.’
  • Create comparison charts for different jewelry materials, styles, or other specifics.
  • Offer behind-the-scenes glimpses into the design process, artist experiences, craftsmanship, and more.

Organizing it all in a way that is accessible to all departments and salespeople is an essential part of the process for any jewelry company. When you centralize and optimize the details, everyone can access the same exact data immediately. Customers therefore receive consistent, accurate, and compelling information across all channels and during in-person interactions, too.

Build customer trust through transparency, honesty, and details

The types of content you provide to your customers matter. Every element of your overall product information management system should result in a tailored experience they can trust. This is the most important thing of all if you want to boost sales revenue and leave them with a positive impression of your brand.

When someone buys jewelry, they are investing a considerable amount in getting exactly what they expect from the retailer. Never inflate claims, make grandiose statements, or tweak product photos to look better than the real thing. If you run your company with honesty and integrity, you will never feel the need to do so.


Now that you understand the importance of detailed product information for everything from inventory management to closing jewelry sales, you need a solution that makes it all simple. Clientbook helps retailers organize inventory, keep real-time records, and share the product information with availability to interested customers. Store descriptions, photos, prices, and more in a highly accessible and manageable way that streamlines business processes and increases efficiency. Your jewelry sales figures will reflect the benefits of this type of organization. Take a free demo to see it in action.

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